Despite the wintry January temperatures, a happy crowd of children started their adventurous expedition into the foundation forest. The program included the functions of the forest, forest species, tree species and creatures in the forest. The children collected acorns, chestnuts, leaves, snail shells, feathers and everything that interested them in egg cartons they had made themselves. The finds of a roebuck's antlers and a fallow deer shovel were something very special, which probably remains hidden from most forest visitors.
The second day was more playful. Skill races with pine cones on sticks and guessing the height of a Douglas fir were on the program, as was determining the cardinal points using trees. Findings of rubbish and rubbish were less gratifying. But they were compensated by the discovery of a treasure map by the foundation dachshund "Biene". In the end, the children have an eventful experience with a learning effect and enjoyable days for everyone involved.