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Demokratische Republik Kongo

Im Osten der DR-Kongo, an der Grenze zu Uganda und Ruanda gelegen, befindet sich der durch Artenvielfalt und ursprünglicher Natur auszeichnende Virunga Nationalpark. Wir halten es für besonders wichtig gerade solche Oasen der Natur, ihre Menschen und ihre Tierwelt nachhaltig und gezielt zu unterstützen. Die Schweizer Stiftung "DodoBahati" agiert seit Jahren in diesem Sinne. Deshalb unterstützen wir vor allem Bildungs- und damit indirekt auch Umweltprojekte dieser Stiftung finanziell und persönlich. "Wald schafft Zukunft" beteiligt sich in einigen der nachfolgend gezeigten Projekte nicht nur an den Kosten, sondern besucht diese auch regelmäßig, um sich von deren Wirkung im Sinne der Stiftungszwecke von "Wald schaft Zukunft" und der Einhaltung von Menschenrechten zu überzeugen.

2024 Kriegzeiten in der DR Kongo - Projektbetreuung Uli Hälker

Dran bleiben

Trotz Krieg- Flüchtlingen und Krankheiten oder gerade deshalb bleiben wir dran und versuchen zumindest für einen Teil der Kinder eine schulische, sowie eine berufliche Ausbildung zu ermöglichen. Durch die Unruhen sind viele Schulen und Ausbildungsstätten geschlossen. Die großen Zufahrtsstraßen sind gesperrt und werden von Rebellen besetzt und kontrolliert. Deshalb haben wir von der DodoBahati Stiftung uns mit den Verantwortlichen vor Ort entschieden, die älteren Waisenkinder nach Goma zu bringen damit sie dort ihre Schule/ Ausbildung fortführen können. Es wurden Häuser und Räumlichkeiten angemietet, der Aufwand war groß, aber hat sich allemal gelohnt. Innerhalb der DR Kongo, insbesondere in Rumangabo finanzieren wir die Vorschule mit mittlerweile 53 Kindern und drei Lehrerinnen. Außerdem unterstützen wir die Aktivitäten von Schwester Bernadette in Ruthsuru mit ihren Waisenkindern finanziell für die laufenden Kosten.

2023 Defying the war

Vocational training and support for orphans and schools continue unabated

Veronique is one of the first vulnerable people (poorest of the poor) who received school and vocational training with our support. She has now received her nursing diploma and has worked a lot for it. We are all very proud. There are 12 other young people involved in various vocational training courses and we will support them until they complete their studies.

But support for the orphanage with an increasing number of children and school education are also taking place in full measure despite the influence of combat and war. This is primarily thanks to the controlled collaboration between the FCF, the DodoBahati Foundation and the local people.


022 Rumangabo in difficult times - supervised by Ulrike Hälker

After 20 years of ups and downs, there is another war in the Virunga National Park area

The resurgent war in the region around and in Virunga Park is having a negative impact. Groups of militias, some of Rwandan origin and some of Congolese origin, occupy large areas in order to take over and confiscate and exploit their resources. Rumangabo suffers on the one hand from the oppression of the population and on the other hand from the thousands of refugees who roam the region without means. An end to the armed conflicts is not in sight. So the only way we can get through this difficult time is to support where possible and to prepare for the time after the war.


Changes in schooling in Rumangabo


Since the school year 22/23, the situation for the parents of primary school children has changed because school fees have been waived nationwide for this level of basic education. It is different in the secondary school sector. Here the FCF continues to support 45 pairs of parents by paying the school fees.

There are also 12 students in vocational training. Their maintenance in the city of Goma is shared with the DodoBahati Foundation.

Training to become a tailor is very popular. Two more groups were able to successfully complete this year as well. The two donated electric sewing machines not only increased the modernity of the small machine park, but were a welcome motivation for the young people.

110 pygmies also benefit from the support of FCF. School uniforms, teaching materials and all meals are provided for these disadvantaged children together with the DodoBahati Foundation.

2021 Support in Rumangabo by Ulrike Hälker

School education support

This year, the number of corona sufferers in the Congo has increased, as in many parts of the world. Far worse, however, are diseases such as measles, Ebola and cholera. It is amazing how the population, unlike us Europeans, deals with it - they are used to repeated epidemics.

Forests creates future contributed € 12,000 to the education costs in Rumangabo, a location in the Virunga Park, in 2021. Our cooperation partner, the DodoBahati Foundation Switzerland finances, among other things, all educational costs and is very grateful for the grant. On the one hand, the preschool with four teachers and currently 44 children is supported. The children are already introduced to the French language there, which makes starting school much easier. On the other hand, 180 children attend primary school, whose school fees, uniforms and, in some cases, also the food are paid for.

The volcanic eruption in Virunga National Park left 200,000 homeless. Many people have lost all their belongings in just a few minutes. Since the DR Congo has the second highest import tariffs in the world after the Antarctic, the building materials that had to be imported were unaffordable for the population. The number of orphanage children in Rumangabo rose from 79 to 126 children. The resulting narrow space and the maintenance costs increased enormously. The consequences of this catastrophe can only be eliminated gradually.

Training to become a carpenter opens up new perspectives

With our support, Alvine Budo and his association ASDEV built up a training center for carpenters and tailors based on the model of the sewing school. This year the training was financed for 42 apprentices - including 36 pygmies. The pygmies and their children are particularly at risk. Due to forest clearing and road construction, they were pushed to the edge of the Virunga Park by the government, without compensation, without board and lodging. They were practically starved to death. Only one of you can read and write.

2020 Activities in Rumangabo - supported by Uli Hälker

The story of Alvine Budo

Alvine lives with his family in Rumangabo, attended the primary school in Rumangabo and the secondary school in Goma. Already at the age of 21 he worked with a local animal doctor and acquired knowledge about the rearing and care of small animals. In 2016 he began training as a dog handler with Marlene Zähner. In order to drive poverty out of his village, he founded ASDEV, a state, together with forty penniless mothers. recognized association that now has 240 members from five villages. They are completely impoverished families from Rumangabo and the surrounding area.

It all began with the peaching of three small fields of Alvine's private savings. Each of the members had to contribute a bag of beans. After that, everyone, with their own hands, planted the fields. The harvest was rich, three large sacks of beans, one of which was given to the participants, one sack became seed for the next season and one sack was sold. From the proceeds, Alvine bought chickens and guinea pigs, all owned by ASDEV, and began breeding. The guinea pigs are suitable for consumption for children who often suffer from rickets, as the bones can be eaten. Each family got a couple from the chickens. Alvine trained the villagers in care and rearing. The year 2019 brought a setback for the organization. It rained too little, so the harvest failed. The chickens were consumed or stolen out of necessity. The money was used up, the lease of the fields was pending.

Ein gutes Beispiel für Eigeninitiative

During my stay in Rumangabo, we put together some cash for seeds due to Alvine's request. As soon as the seeds were available, the members began to plant. We at "Forest Creates Future" have decided to finance ASDEV a large incubator in order to start the chicken breeding and the associated training again. It is a great pleasure to see how these self-initiativeists develop.


Die Primary School

The example of Alvine motivated us to continue to support the school project together with the DodoBahasti Foundation. One of the most important prerequisites is education. A good level of education will help local people to better assess their difficult situations in the future. We want to offer the best possible help to this end. For this reason, WALD SCHAFFEN FUTURE is again contributing to the school costs of the Primary School Rumangabo this year for children whose families cannot afford it, or who no longer have a family at all.


2019 Activities in Demokratic Republic Congo - supported by Uli Hälker

School education on the verge of existence

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has become bitterly poor through many decades of exploitative colonial rule, subsequent dictatorship and subsequent wars. Basic health and education provision is largely maintained by churches, non-governmental organizations and international development work.

The village of Rumangabo is right on the border with Virunga Park. It has an orphanage, a pre-school and a primary school.




The DodoBahati Foundation has been supporting them for years. Since the school fees and the share of teachers' salaries are considerable, many parents can not finance their children's education. Currently, more than 600 children attend primary school, spread over thirteen classes for six years

Funding of the education costs

Meanwhile, the number of children for whom all education costs are taken has risen to 90. For the first time in 2019, the Foundation "FOREST CREATES FUTURE" will take over half (50%) of these costs.



Impressions during the trip in April 2019